Fallout 4 mods are the perfect way to liven up your game. The former makes the HUD totally customisable, so you can move, remove and resize each element, and in some cases specific parts of an element. PibBoy’s map of the Commonwealth could use some enhancements, and that’s why Improved Map With Visible Roads is one the best Fallout 4 mods. And unlike the official texture pack, none of these mods will take up an extra 58 gigs of hard drive space! If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. I was aiming for a EFT style HUD where things like crosshair #fallout #falloutnv IFO4HUD is a vanilla HUD replacer that stylizes your HUD to match Fallout 4. So we bring you a collection of mods that will make your Fallout 76 wait just a bit easier. The vanilla settings for Fallout 4’s survival mode try to make the game more immersive and challenging by completely eliminating fast travel. ) After completing every step, launch your game to ensure the game does CTD before moving on.

Open the game's Data folder - by default, you will find it after following the path Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data. HUD on top is very old version of HoloUI (was known as HoloHUD back then) Get the mod here. Here are the best Fallout 4 Xbox One mods you must try To mod or not to mod, that PS4 console mods for Fallout 4 suck.